Dhahran Social Center

Client | Dhahran Social Center - Female section
Designers | Asma Aloraifi, Semah Alabduljabbar, Shahad Alshuabi, Haifa Alarifi, Haya Alfaraj
Location | Saudi Arabia, Dhahran
Project Area | 5500 Sq m
Year | 2017

Spaces speak,
are you listening?

- Ruth Salter
D e s i g n   S t a g e s   a n d   G o a l s

The design team aims at delivering a profound message through Architecture to create a lasting memory of a place that will make visitors keep coming back.
And to achieve this goal the design team followed the "Design Thinking Concept" that starts with understanding, researching and analyzing the situation to determine the design problem. Then creating ideas, developing and testing them to arrive at the design and implementation step.

During each phase the designers were inspired by two main ideas:
- Humans either an individual or a group are the essence of Architecture.    
- The main components of any environment: natural, industrial and social.

The Human-Centered Design concept was also used. This concept has a social aim that its starting point is humans who are the beneficiaries of the development center either from its staff, visitors or volunteers. And ends with design solutions that suites their needs.

The objective of the natural and industrial environmental studies is to support social goals. 

I n s p i r a t i o n   a n d   C o n c e p t

The intellectual dimension of the design:
Every person has their own special place

The cultural characteristics of an individual in a space:
Values – language – habits - experiences

To listen
Silently, light inscribes poetry on things and this is the only way to arrive at the essence of things. 
Elements of nature that symbolize poetry: the wind, light, sounds and substances. These are the fundamentals of the Architectural structure. Architecture should deliver a message, it does not need to be outstanding. We do not build to amaze, we build to connect with human beings and to spread beauty. 
To Feel
To sense the language of beauty, beauty that arises from within you and for you; a true beauty that personally touches your senses which are derived from one's ideas and beliefs.
Widen your horizon
Opening to diverse cultures, will help in integrating the latest elements of Architecture.
Opening to the space will give you a feeling that it has been designed especially for you.

To be engaged with the community of the place spatially, visually and subconsciously.

M a s s   O r i e n t a t i o n 
F l o o r   P l a n
 I n t e r i o r   P e r s p e c t i v e s
D r a f t   I n t e r i o r   P e r s p e c t i v e s

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